
Reunion with neighbor friends ~久しぶり飲み会~

JUNE17TH THU近所の友人3人と久しぶり(3年ぶり?)にカフェご飯した。娘たちが同年代で4月から社会人や大学院生になった娘たちの近況とか世間話に花が咲いた。普段は忙しく近所なのにすれ違う毎日だけど、厳しかった就職戦線をねぎらい明日への活力を充電した。話しの中に事業仕分けで有名になった天下りの給料は、いったい何人分の新入社員のそれに相当するのか?子供手当も高校無償化もかすりもしなかった私たちは息まくしかなかった。Neighbor friend called me about reunion on Monday night. we found missing each other over 3 years.So,I answered OK! I am ready to go out at night.
Our daughters began to work at company. one girl entered graduate school.
We went to Cafe dining for dinner and drink. we had a great time there. Most we sympathized was that we miss child-rearing allowance and high school tuition examption. And more we upset is about high class bureaucrat still get a lot of money
which is our bloody tax. THEY also get more several retirement money. we call it migrant. HOW MUCH OLDMAN'S money can equivalent to save young job refugee in JAPAN??

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