

2-21(火)なす肉巻フライdeep fried wrap pork on egg plant 、ほうれん草と卵炒めfried spinach with egg 、ご飯、やりイカ煮付けsimmerd small squid on the rice 、たくあんpickled radish、みそ汁miso soup,

2-22(水)かつおラタトイユbonito & egg plant bell pepper in tomato stew 、ハンバーグhamburg、ニラ卵焼きchinese chive in fried egg 、トマトtomato、ご飯rice、たくあんpickled radish 、しじみスープshijimi soup

2-23(木)オクラ肉詰めgumbo with meat 、あじフライdeep fried horse mackerel 、れんこん挟みフライdeep fried lotus root with meat 、はんぺん肉詰めオムレツfish cake omelet,りんご甘煮apple compote、トマトtomato、ご飯rice、みそ汁miso soup 、しまらっきょうshimarakyo

2-24(金)さんま梅フライdeep fried saury with salty plum、菜の花マヨrape blossom with mayonnaise、ご飯rice、たくあんpickeled radish、しじみスープshijimi soup、しまらっきょうshimarakyo

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